Apply To Cardiff Online Program

Please read the accompanying notes before completing this form. An incomplete application form may result in a delay with your application.

Fill in all sections and return by email to

Section 1: personal details

1.1 Title (Mr/Mrs/Ms/Miss/other)
1.2 surname (Family name )
1.3 forenames (full name)
1.4 Preferred name
1.5 Sex (male / Female)
1.6 Date of birth (dd/mm/yyyy)
1.7 ID or Passport Number
1.8 Nationality
1.9 Country of permanent residence


Section 2: Contact Details

2.1 Home address
2.2 Country
2.3 Postal code
2.4 Telephone
2.5 Mobile
2.6 Email
2.7 please indicate of you wish your home contact or employment contact details to be used as your main contact address  

Section 3: program details

3.1 Program Name

Delivery Method

Section 4: current employment  

4.1 Present job title
4.2 Date appointed
4.3 Employer
4.4 Telephone
4.5 Email
4.6 Natural of employer’s business
4.7 How many years relevant full-time managerial work experience do you have?
4.8 How many years total work experience do you have?
4.9 please describe your current duties & responsibilities

Section 5: Higher Education  


University of college



Graduation Date

Please indicate the highest academic qualification you have achieved

Section 6: professional qualification

Name & address of institution

Qualification and course

Year Awarded

Associate / fellow

Section 7: Tuition fees

7.1 Please indicate who will be responsible for your fees        

7.2 Percentage split if shared

You %

Your Company %

7.3 Tuition fees in £

7.4 Tuition fees in other currency

7.5 No. of installments

Refund Policy:

  • 0-7 days from registration day, 0% cancelation fees from registration fees
  • 8-15 days from registration day, 50% Cancelation fees from registration fees
  • 16-21 days from registration day, 75% Cancelation fees from registration fees
  • 22-30 days from registration day, 100% Cancelation fees from registration fees

Refunded amount will be transfer 30 working days from signing refund form

Section 8: school information

8.1 Please indicate the main source of information which prompted you to apply for the MBA programme

8.2 Have you attended a School information seminar      

8.3 If yes, what was the location of the seminar?

Section 9: Declaration

I declare that the information given on this form is true, complete and accurate and that no information requested, or other material, has been omitted



If submitting this form electronically, please type your name and the date. Your accompanying email will be taken as your agreement with the declaration.

Please note: the personal information you have supplied by applying to us will be used to help us respond to future enquiries, for quality assurance and for data analytics purposes. Your personal data will not be sold to any organisation, and will not be shared with any organisations outside the College of Reading apart from those that help us to provide this service or unless required by law. The information that has been provided in this form will be treated in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (2016), the UK Data Protection Bill (to become the Data Protection Act 2018) and all applicable Data Protection laws.

If any of the information on your application form is found to be false, it may lead to the withdrawal of your place at the College.

Section 10: Disclaimer

Cardiff Institute operates as an independent institute and is not administered or affiliated with any universities in the United Kingdom

Please complete this application checklist to remind you which documents should be enclosed with your application. If any of the documents requested are missing, there may be a delay in the processing of your application.

Copy of application form

Certified copy of SA ID (or Passport if not SA)

BA certificate

Please also include English translation, if applicable

Full transcript of degree programmes taken to date

Please also include English translation, if applicable

Current curriculum vitae
